Storm & Inclement weather advice
If you experience loss of power, you should report it, so the providers have a clear picture of who is without power – this is especially important in rural communities. This can be done by calling 105.
In an emergency or if someone is in immediate danger, always call 999.
Power cut: Call 105 https://www.powercut105.com/
BT phone line issues: https://downdetector.co.uk/status/bt-british-telecom/
Gas leak: 0800 111 999 https://www.wwutilities.co.uk/services/smell-gas/
Welsh Water: 0800 052 0130 (Water emergencies) or 0800 085 3968 (Sewer emergencies) https://contact.dwrcymru.com/
Severn Trent water: 0800 783 4444 https://www.stwater.co.uk/in-my-area/check-my-area/
Report a tree down, flooded road or highway obstruction- BBLP : 01432 261800
Flood alerts: Floodline 0345 988 1188. Sign up to get Flood Warnings from gov.uk by phone, email or text message. If you live by a river or stream, keep a watch on current and expected water levels. You can see the actual water levels at different locations in the county
More information and advice can be found here: www.herefordshire.gov.uk/storm.
Finally, some tips from Western Power on how you can prepare in case of a power cut:
- Keep our telephone number handy or save it in your mobile phone (105 or 0800 6783 105) so that you can report a power cut or call for information and advice.
- Keep a battery/solar charger handy so that you can recharge your smart phone or tablet and follow updates on social media, our online power cut map or Power Cut Reporter app.
- Keep your freezer shut – depending on the type of freezer you have, the contents could stay frozen for up to 12 hours.
- Check that you have a phone available that will work in a power cut – digital or cordless ones may not work.
- Have things like a torch or lantern ready (it is best not to use candles or paraffin lights).
- Protect sensitive electrical equipment such as computers with a surge protector plug.
- If you have a mains-operated stair lift, check to see if there is a manual release handle that can be used to return it safely to ground level if it stops working.