Due to the continued restrictions placed upon us all at this time all Parish Council meetings will now be held online using video / telephone conferencing. Our chosen system is Webex. We still actively encourage members of the public to take part in our meetings albeit with some changes. If you would like to observe or take part in the meeting please use the button below to request the meeting link. You will be able to join meetings up to 10 minutes before the start time.

Belmont Rural Parish Council welcomes members of the public to its meetings.  Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Belmont Community Centre on Eastholme Avenue.   Unless indicated otherwise, meetings start at 7.30pm with a short period when members of the public in attendance can raise matters of interest or concern.  Items raised during this session will be noted but may not be debated by the Parish Council and further discussion may, and in some cases must be deferred to the next full Parish Council meeting.  Further opportunity to comment on agenda items will be available throughout the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman.

In addition to Parish Council meetings, each year there will be at least one Parish Meeting.  A Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting but is a meeting of electors within the Parish.  It is usually chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council.  Parish Meetings can be held to discuss a range of topics of interest to residents and can be convened by the Chairman of the Parish Council or by residents themselves if sufficient electors request one.
At least one parish meeting must be held each year which is usually called the Annual Parish Meeting. 

Information for meetings, past and present, can be obtained by clicking on the links  below.

Future meeting dates can be found here.

Mar 12 - Wed
Belmont, GB
2°C broken clouds
Day Cond. Temp.
wed 03/12
light snow
thu 03/13
broken clouds
fri 03/14
scattered clouds
sat 03/15
scattered clouds
sun 03/16
broken clouds
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